# Flow monitoring

expert team enterprise

Flow monitoring allows performing tasks with flows on a schedule.

# Target

  • URL of the flow. The status of a destination URL in a flow is checked.
  • Landing pages. The status of landing pages in a flow is checked.
  • Offers. The status of offers in a flow is checked.
  • Alternative URL. The page at a given URL is checked.

# Condition

  • Does not respond. Checks if the page is available.
  • Contains. Checks if the page contains a given text.
  • Does not contain. Checks if the page in a flow doesn't contain a given text.
  • Always. Performs the action with every task job.

# Action

  • Disable. Turns off the flow, traffic stops going to this flow.
  • Grab a new URL from an external URL. As "REMOTE" action, Keitaro will get a new URL from a given address (or any external script—rotator).
  • Replace to. Replaces to a new domain.
  • Do nothing. The check is executed, the action is not performed.
  • Webhook. Integration with external service.

# Interval

The interval between task launches. The minimal interval is one minute.

# Combinations "Target + Condition"

  • Flow's URL + Does not respond. The page's status is checked. The page's access is not available if the status is 400 or 500. For example, 404, or 503.
  • Another URL + Does not respond. Indicated URL check.
  • URL of flow + Blocked by antivirus software. Scans if the domain is on antivirus DB list. If the condition "no text" is set, the services do not check the text but the code of the pages.
  • Another URL + Does not respond. Indicated URL check.
  • Always. Perform this action at each task operation (by time interval).

Important! Target "URL of Flow" works only with flow schema "Redirect".

# Flow monitoring FAQ

How can I check URL replace history in a flow?

There is an active monitoring indicator at the campaign's page near the flow name. Click it and the window with monitoring history will open.

How can I connect monitoring to the external domain rotator?

Choose the condition On each check, action "Get the URL from the page", and insert the address where the new URL or domain is available.

To get the URL / domain more often than once in a minute, use the "REMOTE" action in the flow.

What text do I need to insert to the flow URL when the rotator is connected?

Insert any text, it will be changed automatically on the next launch of the monitoring task.

Are the macros supported in monitoring actions?

No, macros are not supported in monitoring actions.